Call for Entries
and Submissions

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A' Design Award and Competition is looking for the best designs, design ideas, prototypes and finished products by talented designers, artists and architects to award them with the A' Design Award. A’ Design Award and Competition è alla ricerca di migliori design, progettazioni, prototipi e prodotti finiti da designer di talento, artisti e architetti per dare a loro il premio A' Design Award.

A' Design Award and Competition is looking for the best designs, design ideas, prototypes and finished products by talented designers, artists and architects to award them with the A' Design Award.

Winner Designers of A'Design Award receive the following benefits and exposure:

1. Featured in the yearly ResultBook
Top designs are featured in this yearly book to increase the exposure of designs and products to a wider public. These yearly ResultBooks are delivered to a wide range of professionals, design oriented companies and press members.

2. Communicated to the Press
Extensive coverage in global media ensures that you are renowned worldwide. We provide free services to prepare your press releases to communicate to a worldwide audience furthermore we also help you to find services for custom press release preparation in addition to the ones we deliver.

3. Advertised to a Wide Range of Design Sensitive People
In addition to standard press and traditional media, A'Design Award & Competition advertises winners in online media and search engines as well to millions of people who are searching for design. We have a large dedicated budget to reach millions of people every year.

4. Introduced to Companies
Winning designs are introduced to relevant companies. Winners find the opportunity to meet with the industry and businesses. Some winners will have the opportunity to be supported and mentored by industry leaders and large players in the design field. Meeting with the companies usually lead to eventual realization of concept or idea-stage designs, or finding new distribution channels for existing products.

5. Certificate of Quality
The "A' Design Award Winner Certificate" is a proof of quality of design which you can use to highlight the qualifications of your designs. Winner Designers can download the "A' Design Award Winner Logo" and use this special logo with their product packaging or websites.

6. Trade Fairs, Conferences and Meetings
The A'Design Award will also present itself in design oriented trade-fairs around the world, winners will got chance to be promoted in these fairs, conferences, meetings and other design related events in order to create the sectorial hype.

7. Introduced to Design World
Winners are introduced to Curators, Architects, Designers, Companies, and other relevant people and institutions in the design world to get more out of the award. Special notifications are send to the Museum Directors, Academicians, Media Directors and DesignDepartments of Multi-National Companies.

8. A Reason to Contact Press
Winning the A'Design Award, is prestigious, it is a very solid reason to contact the press and have increased exposure of your designs and products around the world and we provide free PR and press-release services to winners.

9. Realization Possibilities
Winner designs are very likely to be realized by thousands of companies that are following the competition each year, the winners are communicated early so that they can make an early patent rights application right-away.

10. Increased Sales
Winning designs get enough exposure to increase the sales of products significantly, it is an investment that you can rely on throughout the life of the product. More fame means more business.

About the Award
The A'Design Award and Competition is for designers, innovators and companies that want to highlight themselves to attract the focus of media, publishers and buyers.

In a world where there are millions of products and designs launch each year, the award was born out of the desire to underline the best designs and well-designed products. The award-winning products and designs are highlighted to the international public in the A'Design Museum and Gallery in Italy and they are communicated to all relevant press across the world.

A' Design Award and Competitions are organized and awarded annually in a wide range of categories.

Learn more at:

The mission of the A' Award and Competition is to provide a fair, ethical and competitive platform for companies, designers and innovators from all fields with different experience levels, different disciplines and market focus to compete on, while providing them a global audience to showcase their success and talents to. The A' Award and Competition aims to act as blender; to bring together designers, companies and the press.

Highlight, Advertise & Advocate good design, designers and design oriented companies. To channel the attention of press, interactive medias, design critics, distributers and buyers to the award winner.

With its database of tens of thousands of press contacts, the competition aims to highlight existing products and designs which were developed with a good taste of design, our aim is to increase the publicity of good products and good designs, to provide designers and companies a solid excuse to shout-out that they have a good product, good design. A'Design Award is a great opportunity for designers to have a jump in their careers as the A' Design Award offers winners extensive marketing services to make use of the success of winning the award. The winning designs are also presented for a year at the A'Award museum and gallery in Italy. Winners of the Award will have extensive press appearings and this is free; A'Design Competition does not ask any further money from the winners and aggressively pursues media opportunities for the winning designs for free.

Unique Aspects
The A' Design Award and Competition offers an unique system for designers to sell their winning ideas to sponsor companies, likewise the companies can bid for the competing design ideas and make offers to buy the designs. The system also provides an online exhibition system and creates free profile pages for designers, innovators and companies, this system is always on and whether you win or not, you will have full access to the system. This is an interactive system where you can write your biography or corporate profile, create an extensive online portfolio by adding additional designs and exhibit new designs or products.

The results are always published first to the designers, there will be a period given to both companies and the designers to get production rights and patents globally, a four month period to file for protection. Designers also receive help and support from the A ‘Design Award for filing and application to protect their designs. The winning designs will be exhibited in our Gallery and Museum in Italy. The winners can use the A' Design Award can use badges and stickers free of charge to further underline that their products and designs have been evaluated by a respectful organization and that their products have been marked as great designs.

We invite all talents, designers, artists and architects to join and nominate their designs for A' Design Award - 

A’ Design Award and Competition è alla ricerca di migliori design, progettazioni, prototipi e prodotti finiti da designer di talento, artisti e architetti per dare a loro il premio A' Design Award.

I Designers Vincitori del Premio A'Design Award potranno godere dei seguenti vantaggi ed esposizioni: 

1. In primo piano nella ResultBook annuale 
In questo libro, in alto sono presenti i disegni, progetti e prodotti per incrementarne l'esposizione ad un pubblico più vasto. Questi ResultBooks annualmente sono consegnati ad una vasta gamma di professionisti, aziende, design e membri della stampa. 

2. Comunicato alla stampa 
Ampia copertura in media globali assicura che i suddetti vengano conosciuti internazionalmente. Forniamo servizi gratuiti per preparare i vostri comunicati stampa per pubblicizzarli ad un pubblico mondiale; inoltre, possiamo aiutarvi a trovare i servizi per la preparazione personalizzata di un comunicato stampa, in aggiunta.

3. Pubblicizzati ad una vasta gamma di Design Sensitive People 
Oltre alla stampa standard ed i media tradizionali, A'Design Award & Competition pubblicizza i vincitori attraverso media online e motori di ricerca, nonché a milioni di persone che sono alla ricerca di design. Abbiamo un bilancio di grandi dimensioni, dedicato a raggiungere milioni di persone ogni anno. 

4. Introdotto alle Aziende 
I disegni vincenti sono introdotti nelle imprese interessate. I vincitori avranno l'opportunità di incontrarsi con industrie ed aziende.Alcuni vincitori avranno la possibilità di essere sostenuti da leader del settore e grandi operatori nel campo del design. Si potranno incontrare con le società che normalmente conducono alla realizzazione finale di un concetto o un'idea iniziale di disegni, o la ricerca di nuovi canali di distribuzione per i prodotti esistenti. 

5. Certificato di Qualità 
Il "A 'Design Award Winner Certificate" è una prova della qualità del design, che si può usare per evidenziare le qualifiche dei vostri disegni. I designer vincitori possono scaricare il "A 'Design Award Winner Logo" ed utilizzare questo logo speciale con la loro confezione del prodotto anche nei siti web. 

6. Fiere, Congressi e Convegni 
Il Premio A'Design, inoltre, presenterà il disegno alle fiere in tutto il mondo ed i vincitori avranno la possibilità di essere promossi in queste fiere, convegni, incontri e manifestazioni, connessi ad altre progettazioni, al fine di creare l’hype settoriali. 

7. Presentato a World Design 
I vincitori, per ottenere più concessioni , sono introdotti a curatori, architetti, designer, aziende,  altre persone e a istituzioni competenti nel mondo del design. Notifiche speciali verranno inviate a direttori di musei, accademici, amministratori media e dipartimenti di design delle aziende multinazionali. 

8. Un motivo per Contatto Stampa 
Vincere il Premio A'Design è prestigioso, è una ragione molto solida per contattare la stampa, che  può aumentare l'esposizione dei vostri progetti e prodotti in tutto il mondo. Per questo, forniamo servizi gratuiti di relazioni pubbliche e press-release ai vincitori. 

9. Possibilità di Realizzazione
I design vincenti verranno molto probabilmente realizzati da migliaia di aziende che stanno seguendo il concorso ogni anno ed i vincitori saranno presto comunicati, in modo da poter fare un primo brevetto, con la giusta applicazione dei diritti. 

10. Aumento delle vendite 
Vincere ed ottenere la visibilità sufficiente per incrementare le vendite dei prodotti in modo significativo, è un investimento su cui potete contare per tutta la durata del prodotto. Più fama significa più affari. 

Informazioni sul Premio 
Il Premio A'Design Award and Competition è per i progettisti, innovatori ed aziende che vogliono mettere in evidenza se stessi, per attirare l'attenzione di media, editori ed acquirenti. 

In un mondo dove ci sono milioni di prodotti e progetti di lancio ogni anno, il premio nasce dalla volontà di sottolineare i progetti migliori e ben progettati. I prodotti premiati ed i disegni sono evidenziati al pubblico internazionale: in A 'Design Museum e Gallery in Italia e sono annunciati a tutti i comunicati pertinenti di tutto il mondo. 

A 'Design Award e concorsi organizzati assegnano ogni anno una vasta gamma di categorie.

Per saperne di più su: 

La missione del Premio A' Design Award and Competition è quello di fornire sia una piattaforma equa, etica e competitiva per le aziende, per i progettisti e gli innovatori di tutti i settori , con livelli di esperienza diversi, diverse discipline, sia la focalizzazione per competere sul mercato, fornendo un pubblico globale di vetrina al loro successo e talento. L' A'Design Award e Concorso si propone di agire come frullatore, per riunire progettisti, imprese e stampa. 

Il Concorso evidenzia, pubblicizza e sostiene il buon design, il designer e le aziende orientate al design, con l'attenzione della stampa, media interattivi, critici di design, distributori e compratori del premio vincitore. 

Con il suo database di decine di migliaia di contatti stampa, il concorso intende evidenziare i prodotti esistenti ed i disegni che sono stati sviluppati con un buon gusto del design. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di aumentare la pubblicità di prodotti di buon design, perfornire ai progettisti ed alle imprese un solido pretesto per dimostrare che hanno un buon prodotto. A'Design Award è una grande opportunità per i progettisti di fare un salto nella loro carriera. A 'Design Award offre ai vincitori servizi di marketing per sfruttare il successo ottenuto vincendo il premio. I vincitori del Premio appariranno su giornali e questo è libero. Il Concorso A'Design non chiede soldi complementari da parte dei vincitori e persegue gratuitamente le opportunità dei media per i disegni vincenti. 

Aspetti Unici 
L'A 'Design Award and Competition offre un sistema unico per i progettisti di vendere le loro idee vincenti per le aziende sponsor, allo stesso modo le aziende possono fare offerte per le idee di progettazione dei concorrenti per acquistare i disegni. Il sistema prevede anche una piattaforma online, che mostra e crea pagine di profilo, gratuito per i progettisti, innovatori e le aziende. Questo sistema è sempre attivo e che si vinca o no, se ne avrà pieno accesso. Questo è un sistema interattivo in cui è possibile scrivere la propria biografia o il profilo aziendale, creare un ampio portafoglio online con l'aggiunta di disegni o modelli addizionali ed esporre nuovi progetti o prodotti. 

I risultati sono sempre pubblicati prima ai progettisti. Ci sarà un determinato periodo di tempo per le imprese ed i progettisti di ottenere i diritti di produzione e brevetti a livello mondiale, ed un periodo di quattro mesi per i file di protezione. I designers riceveranno anche aiuto e sostegno da parte del A 'Design Award per il deposito e l'applicazione per proteggere i loro disegni. I vincitori possono utilizzare l’ A 'Design Award: è possibile utilizzare scudetti ed adesivi gratuiti per sottolineare ulteriormente che i loro prodotti ed i disegni sono stati valutati da un organo rispettoso, e che i loro prodotti sono stati contrassegnati come grandi disegni. 

Invitiamo tutti i talenti, designer, artisti ed architetti ad aderire e nominare i propri progetti per una 'Design Award - -
Submit Your Design Now:

Suggest A Talent

Do you know a talented designer, a creative architect, or an independent artist that could be the next winner of A' Design Award? Suggest him/her and if she/he is becomes the winner of A' Design Award, you will win one of the official t-shirts from the Museum of Design or A'Design Award and Competition. Please check award levels to see who is considered a winner. By suggesting a talent, you will also got 1 in 40 chance to win a single-use free coupon that could be used to waive the processing fees for any main competition category. TIP: You can win more than once, but please be advised that only one T-shirt will be send for each winning designer suggestion: if a winner name is suggested by more than one person, only the first person who suggested the winner will be awarded. It is better to suggest unique talents that are less known to others to increase your chances. You can suggest as many designers you know to win multiple t-shirts.


Proof of Creation

"Proof of Creation" is a paper document that explains your design (title, description and images), and duly signed by the designer and two witnesses, that you deposit at a third-party (A' Design Award) to help you prove that you are the creator of a design. It serves as evidence that you created a design at a particular date. This service is provided free to A' Design Award Participants.


Distinguished Designer Program

To Honor the Winning Designers, A’ Design Award and Competitions have come up with the Distinguished Designer Program, which is a tiered program that bestows unique benefits at each level. The Distinguished Designer Program was designed to create a further organic link between the winners and the organization itself. Participation in the program is free and is life-long.  You need to be a either a jury member or winner of A’ Design Award and Competitions in order to be a part of the program. This paper is our initial draft of the program and we aim to add further benefits, membership levels, and new ways to earn and use points in the future. By receiving this paper, you are cordially invited to the program. Your existing winnings and previous participations will also be converted into points.


Designer Rankings

Top Designers and Design Studios who are previously winner of A' Design Award are listed at, reserve your place in the rankings.


Gala-Night and Exhibition Gallery

View photos from previous years' Award Gala-Night and Winner Designs' Exhibition at A' Design Award Photo Gallery. Higher-Resolution Images are available for press members.


A' Award Trophy

A' Award Trophy is unique and is made of 3D Printed Metal as it is not possible to realize with any other manufacturing technique. -

Awarded Designs

Winning Designs are not only exhibited at Mood, Salone del Mobile but also a range of websites such as the,,, and others to provide further visibility and impact for the winning designs. See our winners.


PR Services

Winners of A' Design Award recieve thousands of euros worth of free PR Services by Design PR Wire, including press release creation, distribution, and reaching out to editors for the awarded designs. In addition, your press release will also be distributed by Associated Press, and services.


Design Mediation & Sales

Winners of A' Design Award are provided free design mediation services for Design Mediators to help realization of conceptual stage designs. Design Mediators help for contacts preparation, pricing suggestions etc. Salone del Designer is an online marketplace to sell the winning designs.


Awar Winners Manual

Winners’ Manual is a compendium of several documents made into a book. The Winners’ Manual was created in order to provide guidelines for A’ Award Winners to get the most out of their award. Some sample chapter titles are: Public Relations for Design, Protecting your Design, Selling your Design, Marketing Tips & Branding etc. The book is only available to winners and includes insights from public relations experts, design consultants, and experienced professionals to derive the most value from winning the A’ Design Award. The book is included in the Winners’ Pack and is also available as an instant download to A’ Award Winners from their control panels. The manual was prepared by A’ Design Award in collaboration with DesignerPress.


Design Competition Survey

We invite you to join our design awards and competitions survey, you will have 1 in 25 chance to win a free entrance ticket.


Design Ambassador Program

The A’ Design Award and Competitions’ Design Ambassador Program was introduced so that the talented design and arts students could get a chance to join the A’ Design Award and Competition for free. The Ambassador program is only for talented students who already have an Approved design, eligible for winning the award and appearing on the annual results book. Who is Eligible? All the students aged between 18 and 35, enrolled in the design or art faculties of a higher education or universities can apply to enroll in the Design Ambassador Program of A’ Design Award and Competition. Graduates and professionals are not eligible. Only one student from each design or arts department is accepted. You can check here if there already exists a student from your university. To be eligible, you need to upload a design, and it will be checked for approval, if your design passes the preliminary tests and reviews that checks essential design quality, visualization & presentation characteristics, and category compliance of your design, you will be regarded as eligible.


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Get a Free Poster of A'Design Award & Competition by filling the poster form, please note that the form will be automatically filled if you are logged in!

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